Cleaning & Preparation For Re-coloring & Dyeing
A complete, thorough prep cleaning is the most important step in the coloring process to insure maximum adhesion of all products to the surface and durability.
Nearly all pieces are protected by coats of anti-adherent products that must be removed before proceeding with the coloring process. Always use clean lint free towels or paper towels.

1) Prep Cleaning Protected & Finished Leather:
Thoroughly prep clean the area to be repaired or re-colored with Triclean Prep Cleaner (TC). Triclean is the only cleaner needed to remove dirt, body oils, silicones and waxes. Spray a wet coat of Triclean, use a nylon brush or a white scotch brite pad to scrub completely. Take extra time on the stitching, piping and leather creases. Repeat for optimum results.
Some leathers have a protective coating. Use 600-grit sand paper with (TC) Triclean to wet sand. This helps to break the surface tension of the protective coating, which can cause peeling if not removed.
Apply Triclean (TC) again and wipe clean with a clean lint free towel or a paper towel.
Note: Color match after prep cleaning.

1) Cracked or creased leather: Use sandpaper (600, 400, or 220 grit) to wet sand with Triclean to smooth all cracked & creased areas. Be sure there are no edges.
2) Prep Cleaning Aniline, Nubuck & Unfinished Leather: Thoroughly prep clean with Triclean Prep Cleaner (TC) to remove all dirt, body oils, silicones and waxes. Use a nylon brush, then blot dry with a clean lint free towel or paper towel.
Prep Cleaning Vinyl: Thoroughly prep clean the area to be repaired or re-colored with Triclean Prep Cleaner (TC) . Triclean is the only cleaner needed to remove dirt, body oils, silicones and waxes. Spray a wet coat of triclean then use a nylon brush or a scotch brite pad to scrub completely, take extra time on the stitching. Wipe clean with a clean lint free towel or paper towels. Repeat for optimum results.
Note: Color match after prep cleaning.
Prep Cleaning Plastic: Thoroughly prep clean with Triclean Prep Cleaner (TC) to remove all dirt, body oils, silicones and waxes. Spray a wet coat of triclean then use a nylon brush or a scotch brite pad to scrub completely, take extra time on the edges. Wipe clean with a clean lint free towel or paper towel. Repeat for optimum results.
Note: Color match after prep cleaning.
Carpet & Velour:
Prep Cleaning Carpet & Velour: Thoroughly prep clean the carpet or velour seat with Triclean Prep Cleaner (TC) to remove all dirt, body oils, silicones and waxes. Spray a wet coat of triclean, scrub with a nylon brush, blot dry with a clean lint free towel or paper towel. Allow to dry before coloring.
Note: Color match after prep cleaning.